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Your Privacy. Demystified.

Decode your apps’ privacy practices in seconds and join a movement to nudge them to do better!

Processing privacy policies of new apps for first time can take up to 5 mins.

Step 1

Search for a business

Step 2

Generate a report

Step 3

Nudge the business

Privacy policies can tell you...

What do they know about you?

Discover what personal data a business collects.

How do they use it?

Understand what purposes a business uses your personal data for

What can you do about it?

Learn how to regain control over your data

Lets take a look at

Google’s Privacy Policy Over Time


  • 600 words
  • Simple, understandable

“From time to time, there may be situations where Google asks you for personal information. When we intend to use your personal information, we tell you up front”


  • 2100 words
  • Added some difficult phrases but it remains readable

“We may combine the information you submit under your account with information from other Google services or third parties in order to provide you with a better experience and to improve the quality of our services”

“When you sign up for a particular service that requires registration, we ask you to provide personal information. If we use this information in a manner different than the purpose for which it was collected, then we will ask for your consent prior to such use”


  • 4000 words
  • Long, difficult for perception text with confusing sentences

“We collect information about your location when you use our services, which helps us offer features like driving directions for your weekend getaway or showtimes for movies playing near you.”

“This Privacy Policy applies to all of the services offered by Google LLC and its affiliates, including YouTube, Android, and services offered on third-party sites, such as advertising services. This Privacy Policy doesn’t apply to services that have separate privacy policies that do not incorporate this Privacy Policy.”

“Choose whether your search activity is used to offer you more relevant results and recommendations.”

Privacy policies have now become an incomprehensible disaster

As a result, people don’t read privacy policies anymore. This allows businesses to hide crucial information!

Simplify Your Digital Rights with Vericy

We tell you if businesses are respecting your GDPR privacy rights by breaking down complex privacy policies using our privacy AI-tech.

Rapid Insights

Decode long privacy policies in seconds.

Good Privacy Score

Uncover crucial details buried in complex legal jargon in policies through a simple privacy score.

Amplify your voice

Empower you to nudge businesses towards better privacy practices.

What is a Nudge?

Express Dissatisfaction

A Nudge is a feature that enables you to express dissatisfaction with a business’ privacy practices. Click the Nudge button as a fast way to let business’ know your disapproval.

Notify the business

Nudges make a business aware that their customers are dissatisfied with their privacy practices.

Create community impact

When users collectively Nudge, it creates a community impact, compelling businesses to improve their privacy practices.

Popular Business’ Privacy Reports

Check out the privacy scores of some of the most popular businesses

Take Charge of Your Privacy in 3 Easy Steps

Step 1

Search for a business

Step 2

Generate a report

Step 3

Nudge the business


How does Vericy help me understand a brand's data collection practices?

Search for a brand, and Vericy will provide a concise report outlining how your data is collected, used, and shared, making complex privacy policies transparent and understandable.

What privacy features should I care about when choosing a brand?

Focus on the scope of data collection, usage, sharing policies, security measures in place, and how the brand allows you to control your personal data.

How can I nudge a brand about their privacy practices?

Use Vericy's 'Nudge' feature to send a message to brands, encouraging them to improve their privacy practices based on your concerns highlighted in our report.